

Requirements for the National Information Network 

Other name None
Date of initial filing December 11, 2016 - 35th meeting of the Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC)
Presenter Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC)
Date of update None

The definition and the requirements for the National Information Network (NIN) were discussed and approved in the 15th session of the SCC in December 2013, following which the ICT Ministry was selected as the government body responsible for executing the NIN. In light of this, the National Centre for Cyberspace (NCC) the prepared the resolutions for the launch of the NIN. The resolution was subsequently ratified at the SCC’s 35th session on December 11, 2016, which coordinated the design of the network and its top-level requirements. NIN’s implementation is a long-term programme that is being executed regardless of the government’s position. 


This resolution outlines the foundations of the NIN in Iran. The plan reveals the architecture of Iran’s plans such as tiered internet access, internet localisation, restricting internet services, and  internet shutdowns are among the objectives of creating and completing the NIN. 


Opponents of the NIN and a national internet include a spectrum of activists, technical experts, members of Iran’s tech sector, among others. These individuals argue that the NIN will isolate Iran’s internet, and given the possibility of cutting off Iran’s communication with the outside world, it could lead to increased oppression in the country. .
