

National Policies Governing Computer Games

Other name None
Date of initial filing December 16, 2015
Presenter Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC)
Date of update None

In the 26th meeting of the SCC, the government’s plans for licensing and quality assessment of computer games in Iran were discussed. Accordingly, the Ministry of Islamic Guidance is responsible for granting licenses for computer games, which must be designed based on Islamic-Iranian cultural values and prioritize cultural promotion within the country. The responsibility for licensing, monitoring, and support lies with the Ministry of Islamic Guidance. The Deputy for Technology at the Office of the President and the Majles (parliament) are also to collaborate with the Ministry of Islamic Guidance to facilitate legislation in this area, particularly in the field of innovation houses.


Entrusting the licensing process to the Ministry of Islamic Guidance and applying their views in this area has led to censorship and cancellation of licenses for computer games in Iran. Removal of computer games from online markets is another problem that has arisen as a result of this same government approach.


Computer Guild Organization, Game Development Studios, Online app stores in Iran


Ministry of Islamic Guidance – Islamic Propagation Organization, Government-backed news outlets (IRNA, Young Journalists Club)


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