

National Information Network Macro-Plan and Architecture Resolution

Other name None
Date of initial filing October 7, 2020
Presenter Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC)
Date of update None

NIN’s macro-plan and architecture were approved by the SCC in October 2020 and communicated to the relevant institutions  two weeks later. The resolution lays out the duties of various institutions in the country for the full establishment of NIN until 2025.

Independence of the country, creating a platform consistent with Iran’s Islamic values, and preventing foreign takeover are among its objectives.

Some of the objectives related to NIN are as follows:

  • Providing 80% coverage of households’ fixed broadband access with a speed of 25 megabits per second
  • Providing 100% coverage of the country’s population to access mobile broadband with an average speed of 10 megabits per second
  • Competitive pricing in accessing application services and domestic content by at least twice the rate of foreign competitors and access to basic NIN application services at least three times the rate of foreign competitors
  • Providing a qualitative advantage in accessing domestic services and content by five times the rate of foreign content services
  • Establishing data centers
  • Providing a secure internal mobile operating system
  • Establishing secure internal gateways
  • Developing an internal browser
  • Creating an internal messaging system and social network
  • User identity registration
  • Creating an internal email service
  • Establishing an internal search engine.
  • The main responsibility for NIN is under the Ministry of Communications, but generally these organizations are involved in shaping NIN:
  • Regulations Commission
  • Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade
  • Presidential Office of Practical and Technological Affairs
  • National Cyberspace Center
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Intelligence
  • CERT Center
  • Judiciary
  • Ministry of Defense
  • Armed Forces Logistical Support

NIN is a domestic system that enables user communications within the country. The government’s goal is to develop a network  with less reliance on the global internet. Additionally, the government can monitor the users’ identities and the content they use, keeping an eye on their status. At the same time, it can monitor the content made available to users. NIN’s other function is to reduce the cost of internet disconnection for the government (during protests and marches such as in November 2019 and during the protests since the death of Mahsa Jina Amini). With the expansion of such a network, the government can practically keep people isolated from the rest of the world and suppress civil activists.


Civil and human rights organizations, signatures on Karzar site, etc.


The Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, former ICT Minister, Eisa Zarepour, Current ICT Minister, members of the SCC; National Centre for Cyberspace; IRIB, Passive Defence Organization; Many conservative members of Parliament including Reza Taghipour and Nasrollah Pejmanfar; as well as Rouhollah Momen-Nasab, Ali Akbar Raefipour, and others.
