

Islamic Republic of Iran’s Strategic Cyberspace Document: Objectives and Major Actions

Other name None
Date of initial filing June 7, 2022
Presenter Supreme Cyberspace Council (SCC)
Date of update August 2, 2022

This resolution was approved simultaneously with the 84th session of the SCC, chaired by Ebrahim Raisi, on August 2, 2022. Its mission statement had been approved on June 7, 2022, in the 71st meeting of the Council. It outlines the objectives, vision, and major actions on the horizon for 2031. In other words, it sets goals that the Islamic Republic of Iran aims to achieve by 2031. The document has taken into consideration other countries’ experiences, domestic research, and instructions from Iran’s leadership regarding cyberspace.


This document affects all internet users in Iran from various aspects. Restrictions on users’ access under the guise of “protection of children” and “national internet,” and local systems have also disrupted users’ access to internet content, to the extent that not all internet content is available to Iranian users.

Having military and security institutions such as the Ministry of Intelligence, the IRGCIntelligence Organization, the Passicve Defense Organization, the Basij Organization, etc. in preparing structures related to the internet is also a new policy included in this document.

New structures such as commissions and high councils are also envisaged in this document, which did not exist before, and their agenda or mode of operation has not been outlined in this document.


To achieve the stated objectives, the following organizations are responsible for their respective areas of operation. The National Center for Cyberspace is responsible for monitoring their performance and directing their activities:


  • Completion and updating NIN, prioritising providing basic online services (messaging, search engine, operating system, and data centre services)
  • Organizing and developing the Internet of Things
  • Establishment of an identity verification system
  • Requirements and actions related to satellite systems in cyberspace
  • Establishment of a media system for cyberspace
  • Designing a “healthy, useful, and safe cyberspace system (protecting children and families)”

ICT Ministry

  • Designing a digital economic system (in collaboration with the members of the Digital Economy Task Force of the government, after approval by the SCC regulations)
  • Designing a data governance system (in collaboration with the Judiciary, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the IRIB, the Statistical Center, and the Ministries of Islamic Guidance, Science, Health, Economic Affairs and Intelligence, after approval by the SCC.)
  • Designing a smart government and providing judicial, law enforcement, health, trade, education, transportation, tourism, and financial/banking services on domestic platforms (in collaboration with the Judiciary, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the members of the Executive Council of Information Technology, after approval by the SCC regulations)
  • Legal Deputy of the Presidency: Designing the cyberspace legal system


  • Designing the cyberspace judicial system 

Law Enforcement Command: 

  • Designing the cyberspace law enforcement system (in collaboration with the IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence, after approval by the Supreme Commission for Cyberspace Security)

Ministry of Science: 

  • Designing a system for science, research, technology, and innovation in the virtual space (in collaboration with the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the Scientific Deputy of the Presidency, and the Ministries of Communications, Industry and Mining, and Education after the approval of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 

  • Designing a virtual diplomacy system related to multinational companies, governments, international organizations, and international treaties in the virtual space (in collaboration with the Judiciary, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Legal Deputy of the Presidency, the IRIB, and the Ministries of Communications, Intelligence, and Islamic Guidance)

Supreme National Security Council: 

  • Designing a cyber defense system in the virtual space (in collaboration with the National Cyberspace Center and after the approval of the Supreme National Security Council.)

Ministry of Islamic Guidance:

  • Designing a system for entertainment, games, and value creation in leisure time in the virtual space (in collaboration with IRIB, the Organization for Islamic Culture and Communication, and the Ministries of Interior, Communications, Sports, Education, and after the approval of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)
  • Developing the content and content services system in the virtual space (in collaboration with the Judiciary, IRIB, and the Ministries of Education, Cultural Heritage, Industry, Communications, and Economy.)
  • Organizing commercial advertising in the virtual space (in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Communications, and IRIB, after the approval of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)
  • Promotion and enhancement of digital literacy (in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Ministry of Communications and the Armed Forces, after the approval of the High Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)
  • Plan to enhance the capacity of public participation and civil society organizations in the virtual space (Ministries of the Interior, Science, Basij, and IRIB, after the approval of the High Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)

Ministry of Labor:

  • Designing a human resource system in the virtual space (in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, the Scientific Deputy of the Presidency, the Administrative and Recruitment Organization of the country, and the Ministry of Communications, after the approval of the High Commission for the Production of Virtual Content)
  • Organizing the job market in line with the transformation of virtual jobs (in cooperation with the Administrative and Recruitment Affairs Organization and the Ministries of Industry, Energy, Science, Education, and Training, after the approval of the High Commission for the Regulation of the Virtual Space)

Ministry of Economic Affairs:

  • Employment of innovative monetary and banking technologies in the virtual space (in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and the Central Bank, after the approval of the High Commission for the Regulation of the Virtual Space)
  • Designing a system for native and foreign cryptocurrencies (in cooperation with the Judiciary, the Ministries of Industry, Energy, Communications, Information, the Sepah Intelligence Agency, the Law Enforcement Command, and the Central Bank, after the approval of the High Commission for the Regulation of the Virtual Space)

Scientific Deputy of the Presidency:

  • Designing a system for employing innovative technologies in the virtual space, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, and data science (in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, the Digital Economy Task Force, and IRIB, after the approval of the High Commission for the Regulation of the Virtual Space)
  • Providing technological infrastructure for the development of the Persian language in the virtual space (in cooperation with the Ministries of Guidance, Communications, Science, and the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, after the approval of the High Commission for the Promotion of Virtual Content Production)
  • Islamic Culture and Communications Organization: Designing a public diplomacy system for the virtual space (in collaboration with the National Security Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IRIB, and Center for Management of Islamic Seminaries, following the approval of the National Virtual Media Headquarters)

Ministry of Interior:

  • Designing a native smart city system (in collaboration with the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Law Enforcement Command, and municipal governments of major cities, following the approval of the High Commission for Regulating Virtual Space Regulations)
  • Organizing political advertising, including elections and campaigns (in collaboration with the Guardian Council, Parliament, Ministry of Guidance, Information Society, and IRIB)
  • Islamic Propagation Organization: Organizing Islamic advertising in the virtual space (in collaboration with the Ministry of Guidance, IRIB, Center for Management of Islamic Seminaries, and Office of Islamic Propagation in the Seminary of Qom, following the approval of the Commission for Promoting Production of Virtual Space Content)

Ministry of Education:

  • Designing a virtual education system (in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, IRIB, and Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, following the approval of the Commission for Promoting Production of Virtual Space Content)
  • Designing a smart education and training system (in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, following the approval of the Commission for Promoting Production of Virtual Space Content)

Ministry of Science: 

  • Designing an educational system for higher education (in collaboration with the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the Broadcasting Organization, and the Ministries of Communications and Health, after approval by the High Commission for the Promotion of Content Production in the Virtual Space).

Strategic Management Center: 

  • Designing a system for the development of the country’s domestic industry (in collaboration with the Ministries of Communications, Defense, the Passive Defense Organization, and the Command of the Islamic Republic’s Law Enforcement Forces, after approval by the High Commission for the Security of the Country’s Virtual Space).

National Center for Virtual Space:

  • Structural transformation of the country’s virtual space governance system (after approval by the Supreme Council of the Virtual Space).
  • Designing a comprehensive regulatory system (after approval by the Supreme Council of the Virtual Space).
  • Designing a system for virtual space security (with the proposal of the Ministry of Intelligence and after the approval of the Supreme Council of the Virtual Space Security).
  • Plan for the transformation of the National Center for Virtual Space (after the approval of the Supreme Council of the Virtual Space).