

Cultural and Educational Transformation Based on Cyberspace Developments Resolution

Other name None
Date of initial filing April 15, 2019
Presenter Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC)
Date of update None

The SCC in its 57th meeting on April 15, 2019, passed the resolution that requires several organizations in the field of communications and education in Iran to prepare organizational transformation documents in the field of education. According to this resolution, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the IRIB, Islamic Propagation Organization, Islamic Propagation Office of the Qom Seminary, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Health and the Center for Management of Seminary Areas, are required to present organizational transformation documents to the National Cyberspace Center, “in light of the developments in cyberspace in the field of education.” 

The following should be considered in preparing this legislation: 

  • active confrontation based on Islamic-Iranian lifestyle values, considering NIN, implementing the transformation legislation, 
  • creating and developing necessary platforms with emphasis on private sector capacity, 
  • reducing government domination by considering non-governmental capacities, 
  • opportunity-focused approach to cyberspace, 
  • adopting a regional and international strategic development approach, 
  • and efforts to improve financial and human resources management structures rather than adding to them.

In the articles of this legislation, it is emphasized that transformational documents should be based on Islamic-Iranian lifestyle values, and the NIN intranet (not the internet) will be the platform for implementing this network. Therefore, this legislation and the documents that follow it can be evaluated as part of NIN. Apart from this, neglecting the contribution of ethnic and religious minorities in this regard, attention is paid to Islamic values ​​in preparing these documents.
