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The Ongoing Expansion of Technological Surveillance Against Women

The Iranian government is still focused on developing internet and surveillance policies on women’s hijab, more than a year after the ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ movement began. The ‘Sepid’ plan is the latest initiative by the country’s Prosecutor General to crack down on ‘immodesty’ in cyberspace. It works alongside the ‘Nazer’ project, which is carried out by the Cyber Police (FATA Police) and law enforcement. These are the two main programs that the government uses to impose its dress code on the online world.

Against this backdrop, the working group on fashion and clothing regulation of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance issued a statement on June 11, 2023. They denounced ‘unauthorized, underground events without scientific standards’ and illegal activities in the fashion and clothing sector as ‘sources of vulgarity and deviation’. The statement also warned these groups that they are being watched and will face legal action.

Meanwhile, on July 8, 2023, the Executive Deputy of the Fashion and Clothing Working Group, Mohammad-Javad Ghasemian, talked about the social media accounts of fashion and clothing stores. He said that there are 10,000 such accounts, and some of them have millions of followers. He added that most of these pages, around 90 percent, are active without official permission and illegally.

The parliament also supports these plans. For instance, on November 20, 2023, the Article 90 Commission had a session. Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, reported on the Sepid plan with the help of the Ministry of Guidance’s Fashion and Clothing Working Group and the Prosecutor General’s office. The same meeting decided that the Public Culture Council, which is overseen by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, would supervise the Fashion and Clothing Working Group’s duties.

Parliament: The Communications Regulatory Commission is now responsible for all communication licenses, smart technologies, and messenger platforms

The Parliament has designated the Communications Regulatory Commission as the authority responsible for issuing licenses in the areas of all communication services, smart technologies, messaging platforms, and setting tariffs for these platforms’ services.

Guardian Council Returns the Modesty and Hijab Bill to Parliament; List of Technology-Related Issues

The Guardian Council returned the Modesty and Hijab Bill to the Parliament for reconsideration, citing over 100 legal issues and 23 spelling errors. The online-related concerns included vague definitions of user-centric platforms, discrepancies between examples of cybercrimes and real-world crimes, and the unclear legal status of SATRA (the Comprehensive Audio and Video Regulatory Authority).

Review and Encouragement of the Implementation of the ‘Sepid’ Plan in Parliament; Plan to Address OnlinePages in the Fashion Sector

In the session of the Article 90 Commission of the Parliament, Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, presented a report on the ministry’s activities in the area of projects related to mandatory hijab, including the ‘Sepid’ plan. This plan, overseen by the Fashion and Clothing Working Group, aims to address violations in the fashion and clothing sector and to cleanse the cyberspace environment. It was decided that this function should continue within this working group.

Infrastructure Programs, Communication, and Data Access Systems; The Ministry of Communications’ Mandate for the Growth of the Digital Economy

Isa Zarepour, the Minister of Communications, announced the Digital Economy Working Group’s plan to achieve a 15% share in the digital economy. The ministry’s role in achieving this goal relates to expanding data centers, establishing communication infrastructures, realizing a “smart” government, and providing solutions for real-time data access.

Competition Council: Mobile Operators to Offer Long-term, High-volume Internet Packages

The Competition Council decreed that mobile operators should offer high-volume and long-duration internet packages, adhering to the current tariff framework of the Regulatory Authority.

Tax Exemption for Individuals Working on Native Platforms

According to the 1402 budget bill, income tax for individual entrepreneurs who are members of domestic platforms will be waived. These businesses must be members of native platforms approved by the Ministry of Communications.

Iranian Space Agency Aiming to Create a Regional Satellite Internet Consortium

Eisa Zarepour, the Minister of Communications, announced on the sidelines of a government meeting that the provision of satellite internet is on the agenda of the Iranian Space Agency, which is currently negotiating to establish a regional consortium in this field.

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