The hidden war on internet access in Iran

On February 13, 2024, a hacker group called “Rebellion Until Overthrow” leaked parliamentary documents and emails that revealed the Islamic Republic’s internet censorship and surveillance practices. The documents showed how the government used urban cameras to surveil and suppress protesters, and how it has a vision to limit internet access to the global internet forContinue reading “The hidden war on internet access in Iran”

Widespread Disruption Named Infrastructure Development

Internet users in Iran experienced widespread disruptions in September-October 2023, ranging from complete outages to severe disturbances. These disruptions coincided with the second internet blackout schedule announced by the Minister of Communications, Isa Zarepour, and his organization, the Infrastructure Communications Company. According to them, the internet in vast areas of Iran would be disrupted fromContinue reading “Widespread Disruption Named Infrastructure Development”

Swift Price Hike Comes After The Islamic Republic Fails To Increase Domestic Internet Use

In March, Iranian internet users suddenly were faced with a significant rise in the cost of their internet. Major internet service providers (ISPs) hiked their prices 30% to 100%. Iranians took to social media in droves to complain. As a population struggling to make ends meet amid their country’s economic crisis, many households risk noContinue reading “Swift Price Hike Comes After The Islamic Republic Fails To Increase Domestic Internet Use”