Iranian Officials Tacitly Declare War on Circumvention Tools

In the past month, Iranian officials—from Majles representatives to cabinet ministers and members of the Supreme Cyberspace Council—have repeatedly pointed to circumvention tools as a major source of problems and insecurity in cyberspace. These developments suggest that Iranian officials see themselves as at war with these technologies and are planning accordingly.  Though such comments haveContinue reading “Iranian Officials Tacitly Declare War on Circumvention Tools”

Subduing Internet Companies:  The Final Piece in the Surveillance State Puzzle

The past month saw the advance of a policy intended to secure government control over digital economy companies. By acquiring stocks and ownership rights in these companies, the government seeks greater ability to monitor and control with fewer obstacles from the private sector. With such tactics, the government now has a freer hand to accessContinue reading “Subduing Internet Companies:  The Final Piece in the Surveillance State Puzzle”