Blocking Access to the Global Internet Through Economic Pressure

On January 14, 2023, regulators issued a decree that authorized operators to raise fixed internet prices by 7 to 34 percent. This was preceded earlier in the month by a price hike in mobile internet packages, which also removed long-term, cost-effective volume packages. The price increase only applied to international traffic for both fixed andContinue reading “Blocking Access to the Global Internet Through Economic Pressure”

Posters That Swallowed the Posts: Is it Legal to Shut Down Instagram Accounts?

Seizing Instagram accounts of individuals and businesses and deleting their content by taking control of the accounts is an illegal act that lacks the necessary legal basis under Iranian laws. This not only violates the principle of legality of crimes and punishments and the principles of fair trial in criminal proceedings but also infringes uponContinue reading “Posters That Swallowed the Posts: Is it Legal to Shut Down Instagram Accounts?”

How the Iranian Government Pushes Users to the National Information Network by Raising Internet Prices 

By raising the prices of mobile internet packages by over 34% and removing the cheaper long-term internet  packages in December 2022, the Iranian government has advanced its agenda of imposing the National Information Network on its citizens.  Under President Ebrahim Raisi’s government, the internet price has gone up twice officially. The first time was inContinue reading “How the Iranian Government Pushes Users to the National Information Network by Raising Internet Prices “

Navigating Tech and Human Rights in Iran: A Human Rights Impact Assessment Guide to Engage, Assess, Act

FilterWatch and Taraaz are proud to release a new resource, “Navigating Tech and Human Rights in Iran: A Human Rights Impact Assessment Guide to Engage, Assess, Act.” This comprehensive guide is created to help technology companies make decisions that respect human rights and internet freedom in Iran. Why We Created This Guide As internet censorshipContinue reading “Navigating Tech and Human Rights in Iran: A Human Rights Impact Assessment Guide to Engage, Assess, Act”

Iran’s “People’s Lifestyle Assessment System”: A New Surveillance Threat

The Iranian government’s “Seventh Development Plan” bill, which was passed in the past month, is one of the most significant and influential laws affecting Iran’s digital realm. It contains a key section called the “Lifestyle Assessment System”, a far-reaching initiative that aims to monitor and control the activities and behaviors of Iranian users. This systemContinue reading “Iran’s “People’s Lifestyle Assessment System”: A New Surveillance Threat”

Digital Market “Capitulation”: The Tiered Internet System in the Tourism Sector

Iran’s tourism industry is introducing a new system of tourist SIM cards that allow foreign visitors and tourism workers to access the internet without censorship. The system was inspired by Cristiano Ronaldo’s visit to Iran, which sparked a debate about internet freedom in the country.  However, the system also reinforces the government’s plan to createContinue reading “Digital Market “Capitulation”: The Tiered Internet System in the Tourism Sector”

The Iranian government’s use of technology to control and surveil its citizens

Iran’s seventh development plan bill outlines various infrastructure projects for different sectors of the country, to be carried out over five years (from 2023 through 2027). This plan has not yet been approved by the parliament, and its discussion was planned for September 25, but no update has been reported since then. A significant portionContinue reading “The Iranian government’s use of technology to control and surveil its citizens”

Introduction of Layered Internet Infrastructure to Public

In August 2023, the Iranian government introduced a new phase of internet restrictions. After a prolonged struggle, two pivotal components of these restrictions, the Regulatory Framework for Online Services (previously known as the “User Protection” bill) and the Layered Internet System, were publicly enforced for the first time that month. The government has also expressedContinue reading “Introduction of Layered Internet Infrastructure to Public”

Swift Price Hike Comes After The Islamic Republic Fails To Increase Domestic Internet Use

In March, Iranian internet users suddenly were faced with a significant rise in the cost of their internet. Major internet service providers (ISPs) hiked their prices 30% to 100%. Iranians took to social media in droves to complain. As a population struggling to make ends meet amid their country’s economic crisis, many households risk noContinue reading “Swift Price Hike Comes After The Islamic Republic Fails To Increase Domestic Internet Use”

Policy Monitory – February 2022

This February, while the world focused on the invasion of the Ukraine by Russian forces and the crisis that unfolded in its aftermath, in a stunning development in Iran, the dangerous internet restriction legislation, the so-called “User Protection” Bill – which stands to further curtail the rights of Iranians – was ratified by the JointContinue reading “Policy Monitory – February 2022”