Iran’s New ICT Minister: Internet Friend or Foe?

Eisa Zarepour (born 1980, Kermanshah province) was a largely unknown figure in Iran before his appointment to the post of Minister of Information and Communications Technology in August 2021. While maintaining a low profile, Zarepour has taken on several influential government positions over the years. During the Ahmadinejad administration he held several senior ICT positionsContinue reading “Iran’s New ICT Minister: Internet Friend or Foe?”

Network Monitor – June 2020

Internet users in Iran were confronted with a further series of network disruptions in June. As before, the disruptions were largely met with silence from internet service providers and government authorities. Despite this silence, the impacts of the disruptions were still very much felt by users. Unexplained disruptions such as these can also only fuelContinue reading “Network Monitor – June 2020”