How the Iranian Government Pushes Users to the National Information Network by Raising Internet Prices 

By raising the prices of mobile internet packages by over 34% and removing the cheaper long-term internet  packages in December 2022, the Iranian government has advanced its agenda of imposing the National Information Network on its citizens.  Under President Ebrahim Raisi’s government, the internet price has gone up twice officially. The first time was inContinue reading “How the Iranian Government Pushes Users to the National Information Network by Raising Internet Prices “

Facial Authentication and Recognition: From Reality to Political Propaganda

Executive Summary The discussion on the use of facial recognition technology became prominent when Mohammad Saleh Hashemi Golpayegani, the former secretary of the Command of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong, stated in a September 2022 interview with the news site Khabar Fori: ‘Technology now allows images to be matched with national ID photos, and thoseContinue reading “Facial Authentication and Recognition: From Reality to Political Propaganda”

Widespread Disruption Named Infrastructure Development

Internet users in Iran experienced widespread disruptions in September-October 2023, ranging from complete outages to severe disturbances. These disruptions coincided with the second internet blackout schedule announced by the Minister of Communications, Isa Zarepour, and his organization, the Infrastructure Communications Company. According to them, the internet in vast areas of Iran would be disrupted fromContinue reading “Widespread Disruption Named Infrastructure Development”

Iran’s New ICT Minister: Internet Friend or Foe?

Eisa Zarepour (born 1980, Kermanshah province) was a largely unknown figure in Iran before his appointment to the post of Minister of Information and Communications Technology in August 2021. While maintaining a low profile, Zarepour has taken on several influential government positions over the years. During the Ahmadinejad administration he held several senior ICT positionsContinue reading “Iran’s New ICT Minister: Internet Friend or Foe?”