Annual Report on The Impact of FATA Police on Citizen Rights in the Wake of the Women, Life, Freedom Movement

Introduction In 2023, Iran began to see the aftermath of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement, which brought significant and often tense social changes. This report looks at how the Cyber Police and other security and judicial forces have used legal and illegal tools to enforce the compulsory hijab law, examining its impact on women’s rightsContinue reading “Annual Report on The Impact of FATA Police on Citizen Rights in the Wake of the Women, Life, Freedom Movement”

Domestic Messaging Apps: Leading in Surveillance, Lagging in Service

Executive Summary Research and polling by Filterban show that in the past year, more than 67 percent of internet users in Iran have been forced to download and use domestic messaging apps at least once. This poll, conducted from mid-to-late June 2023, reveals how the government employs various direct and indirect tactics to push citizensContinue reading “Domestic Messaging Apps: Leading in Surveillance, Lagging in Service”

Increasing Control of Cyberspace to Repress Social Change

The present report provides an overview of the activities of Iran’s cyber police and the cyberspace performance of security forces in the three-month period starting from the 1st of July to the end of September.2023, with a particular focus on widespread arrests of individuals active in cyberspace throughout Iran.  These arrests were carried out particularlyContinue reading “Increasing Control of Cyberspace to Repress Social Change”

How Women Are Targeted by Virtual Repression in the Name of Modesty and Hijab

  Recently, it was reported that the parliament is considering a bill on modesty and hijab, which would be implemented through Article 85 of the Constitution. This bill aims to regulate and penalize the behavior of women in cyberspace, including the promotion of voluntary – as opposed to mandatory – hijab. Since, like any modernContinue reading “How Women Are Targeted by Virtual Repression in the Name of Modesty and Hijab”

Hijab Legislation in Cyberspace: the Government Expands its Efforts to Suppress Personal Freedoms in Iran

  Nine months have passed since the “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising, which sparked significant changes in Iranian society. Women, who make up half of the population and have faced various forms of oppression throughout history, have redefined their position in public spheres, including the digital realm. These changes have led to significant shifts that deserveContinue reading “Hijab Legislation in Cyberspace: the Government Expands its Efforts to Suppress Personal Freedoms in Iran”

IRGC Seeks Control over the Supreme Council of Cyberspace to enforce the Cyberspace Service Regulation System Act

One of the most significant documents leaked by the hacker group “GhyamSarnegouni” (“Rise to Overthrow”) reveals a crucial letter outlining the Islamic Republic of Iran’s upcoming cyberspace battle strategy. Addressed to Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, the letter comes from Commander Mostafa Izadi of the Cyber and New Threats Base at Khatam-al Anbiya Central Headquarters. ThisContinue reading “IRGC Seeks Control over the Supreme Council of Cyberspace to enforce the Cyberspace Service Regulation System Act”

Government’s Struggle with Enforcing Compulsory Hijab

  Since the inception of the Green Movement and subsequent waves of protests, online spaces have consistently played a crucial role in driving the advancement of social movements in Iran. However, it can be argued that the nationwide uprising triggered by the tragic death of Mahsa Jina Amini marked a turning point, as it wasContinue reading “Government’s Struggle with Enforcing Compulsory Hijab”

Marching from the Streets to Online Spaces

Due to widespread executions, repression, and arrests since the start of the Woman, Life, Freedom movement, there has been a decrease in the number of protesters on the streets. As a result, a significant portion of the security forces’ efforts has been redirected toward suppressing online spaces.  One of the most noteworthy charges against theContinue reading “Marching from the Streets to Online Spaces”

FATAwatch -July-September 2022 

Like all aspects of Iranian life, this quarterly report on the performance of Iran’s Cyber Police, also known as FATA, and the Judiciary has been impacted by the aftermath of Mahsa Jina Amini’s death and the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement. This progressive movement brought the issue of women’s rights, particularly the compulsory hijab, to theContinue reading “FATAwatch -July-September 2022 “