Woman, Life, Freedom: A Roundup of the State of Digital Rights in Iran During the Protests

It has been just over four months since Mahsa Jina Amini, a young Kurdish woman died while in the custody of Iran’s so-called morality police after being arrested for her “improper hijab.” The tragic story of her death has reverberated across the globe and it has ignited one of the biggest waves of protests inContinue reading “Woman, Life, Freedom: A Roundup of the State of Digital Rights in Iran During the Protests”

Disruption of Iran’s Private Tech Sector

The growth of Iran’s tech startup community, once observed with awe due to its exponential growth which began around a decade ago, has been experiencing a slow-down. A contributing factor has been the increasingly apparent pressures exerted by Iranian authorities in order to bring the country’s private tech sector further under government control, with newsContinue reading “Disruption of Iran’s Private Tech Sector”

Policy Monitory – February 2022

This February, while the world focused on the invasion of the Ukraine by Russian forces and the crisis that unfolded in its aftermath, in a stunning development in Iran, the dangerous internet restriction legislation, the so-called “User Protection” Bill – which stands to further curtail the rights of Iranians – was ratified by the JointContinue reading “Policy Monitory – February 2022”

Policy Monitor – January 2022

In January, official visits by Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi to Russia, and its Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian’s visit to China marked significant moments for the new government’s foreing policy agenda. Though few confirmed details on the substance of these meetings are available, including details of the Iran-China 25 year agreement which was signed last year,Continue reading “Policy Monitor – January 2022”

Policy Monitor – December 2021

The publication of our December 2021 Policy Monitor coincides with the second anniversary of the tragic shooting down of the Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 — which resulted in the deaths of all 176 passengers and crew on board — by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The victims of the tragedy are remembered onlineContinue reading “Policy Monitor – December 2021”

Policy Monitor – November 2021

This November marks the second anniversary of the nationwide 2019 fuel price protests, which were met with a nationwide Internet shutdown that lasted for more than a week. The shutdown took place to provide cover for the killing of hundreds of protestors, and the arrest of thousands more. While Iranians have not endured a nationwideContinue reading “Policy Monitor – November 2021”

The Role of Domestic Messaging Apps in Iran’s Information Controls 

Just under three years have passed since Filterwatch wrote about the significance and dangers of Iran’s domestic messaging apps. We are seeing increasing instances of major privacy violations by these apps, as they seek to expand their user base. Although some might argue that these apps still fail to mount a serious challenge to internationalContinue reading “The Role of Domestic Messaging Apps in Iran’s Information Controls “

Policy Monitor – October 2021

The publication of this month’s Policy Monitor coincides with the second anniversary of the fuel price protests which broke out in November 2019. What followed was an at least week-long nationwide Internet shutdown and a brutal crackdown on protests, where hundreds were killed at the hands of the authorities, and thousands arrested or forcibly disappeared.Continue reading “Policy Monitor – October 2021”

Policy Monitor – September 2021

In September, the Supreme Council for Cyberspace (SCC) held its first meeting since Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi took office. The meeting, which coincided with the beginning of the academic year, focused on online education. The subject of online education, which became the subject of significant concern and attention following the COVID-19 pandemic continues toContinue reading “Policy Monitor – September 2021”