Government Use of AI-enabled Facial Recognition Systems

[As we publish this article, protests have been taking place in Iran over multiple days following the death of Mahsa Jhina Amini following her arrest by the country’s ‘Morality Police’ in September 2022. Protestors have been met with the use of force by security forces, killing a number of protestors and leaving many injured. TheseContinue reading “Government Use of AI-enabled Facial Recognition Systems”

Policy Monitor – July 2022

Summary Iranian internet policies were marked by a few significant developments in the last month, namely increased cooperation with Russia, limits on foreign access to Iranian websites, a rollout of a layered internet system, and the failure of a bill that would have protected Iranian internet regulators from lawsuits. The  ICT Minister of Iran’s recentContinue reading “Policy Monitor – July 2022”

Policy Monitor – June 2022

Summary June was a busy month for internet policy making in Iran, especially as it concerns social and political rights of users. This month, the government announced plans to rapidly implement what is referred to in Iran as the Children’s Internet, a program aimed at restricting access to the internet for children and teenagers.  InContinue reading “Policy Monitor – June 2022”