Enforcing the Use of Domestic Services through Taxation on Foreign Platforms

  According to FilterWatch’s research, the Iranian government’s response to Mahsa Amini‘s death involved implementing stringent restrictions and unprecedented internet filtering. Consequently, numerous online businesses were forced to shut down, leading to a significant rise in unemployment in this sector and a substantial decline in income. Now, the government has introduced plans to impose taxesContinue reading “Enforcing the Use of Domestic Services through Taxation on Foreign Platforms”

Severe Internet Disruptions mark the 10th Birthday of Kian Pirfalak

    During the month of June, the internet of Iran experienced several issues, including a severe disruption on what would have marked the tenth  birthday of Kian Pirfalak, a 9-year-old boy who was killed on November 16th, 2022 by police forces during the “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising in Iran. Authorities have not issued anyContinue reading “Severe Internet Disruptions mark the 10th Birthday of Kian Pirfalak”

Three Executions: Major Disruptions Nationwide

On May 19, three protesters, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaqoubi, who were accused of killing a police officer and two members of the paramilitary Basij group in Isfahan during the recent protests were executed. Just before and after the executions took place, a number of protests took place across the country, especially inContinue reading “Three Executions: Major Disruptions Nationwide”

Nowruz: New year and New Disruptions Continue 

At least seven major disruptions were observed this April in Iran. The weekly Friday internet shutdowns in Sistan and Baluchistan province have been ongoing throughout April in a similar pattern to March and February. These shutdowns continue as protests often take place around the same time as Friday prayers, especially in the city of Zahedan.Continue reading “Nowruz: New year and New Disruptions Continue “

The Next Chapter in Iran’s Pursuit for Digital Authoritarianism

Digital segregation, or granting different levels of access to the global internet for those inside Iran based on their occupation, gender, age, or other characteristics (also known as layered or tiered filtering) has made its way from the periphery to the center of Iran’s internet policy with such force that in recent months that hardlyContinue reading “The Next Chapter in Iran’s Pursuit for Digital Authoritarianism”

The Judiciary’s Renewed Presence in Online Policies

Over the past few weeks we have witnessed the role of the Judiciary in restricting Iran’s internet becoming more prominent.  While the Judiciary has in the past worked hard on plans and legislation for criminalizing online activities, the protests under the banner of “woman, life, freedom” have certainly accelerated the Judiciary’s involvement in internet restrictionsContinue reading “The Judiciary’s Renewed Presence in Online Policies”

Government Accelerates Localization In Response To Financial Cost Of Internet Shutdowns

Following internet shutdowns and disruptions with the aim of cracking down on protestors, we witnessed Internet Service Providers be pushed towards insolvency from the severe financial strain of these shutdowns. Internet policy analysis from December reveals that the Iranian government’s response to addressing these challenges has been to speed up Iran’s internet localization project.  DespiteContinue reading “Government Accelerates Localization In Response To Financial Cost Of Internet Shutdowns”

Authorities Hide Behind “Security Reasons” To Justify Internet Shutdowns

Protests continued into October with the movement showing no signs of slowing down. The chants of Woman, Life, Freedom can still be heard across Iran. Iranian authorities continue to rely on the use of violence and deadly force to crack down on protests. In an effort to prevent the free flow of information and suppressContinue reading “Authorities Hide Behind “Security Reasons” To Justify Internet Shutdowns”

Realising Localization Dreams, Ignoring Crippling Financial Needs

Since the start of the protests which began following the death of Mahsa Jhina Amini in September 2022, Iran has hardly experienced a day without internet disruptions, which have resulted in two major developments:  Efforts to advance the contents of the “User Protection” Bill, especially in relation to controlling bandwidth speeds, monitoring the use ofContinue reading “Realising Localization Dreams, Ignoring Crippling Financial Needs”

Policy Monitor: Intimidation Of Activists Online And Offline 

Amid protests, which began in reaction to the tragic death of Mahsa Jhina Amini in September, internet shutdowns across the country, and in some cases restricting the internet to domestic services via National Information Network (NIN) during certain hours – especially in the evenings – has forced internet users to use insecure domestic platforms. UsingContinue reading “Policy Monitor: Intimidation Of Activists Online And Offline “