The Dubious Legality of Internet Shutdowns in Iran

In a Norooz special edition of ‘Fan-Zi’ by Shargh newspaper, Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, ex-Minister of Communications, said he was opposed to the November 2019 internet shutdown. But he said that despite his opposition, it was executed legally following a National Security Council resolution. Despite this, Iranian laws do not grant any authority the power toContinue reading “The Dubious Legality of Internet Shutdowns in Iran”

The use of VPNs is prohibited, but not criminalized

On February 19, 2024, the Supreme Council of Cyberspace published the resolution “Exploring Solutions to Increase the Share of Domestic Traffic and Counteract Anti-Censorship Tools.”(alternative link) One of the most controversial parts of this resolution was clause 6, which prohibited the use of VPNs. However, given the legal drafting rules and the principle of legalityContinue reading “The use of VPNs is prohibited, but not criminalized”

Iran’s Cyber Policymakers Respond to Data Breaches with Inadequate Guidelines

Data Privacy Week, celebrated worldwide from January 22 – January 28, commemorates the signing of Convention 108, the first binding international agreement on data protection, on January 28, 1981. This year, Iran marked the occasion by publishing the Guidelines for the Protection of User Privacy on Cyberspace Systems and Platforms, a document that recognizes someContinue reading “Iran’s Cyber Policymakers Respond to Data Breaches with Inadequate Guidelines”

Posters That Swallowed the Posts: Is it Legal to Shut Down Instagram Accounts?

Seizing Instagram accounts of individuals and businesses and deleting their content by taking control of the accounts is an illegal act that lacks the necessary legal basis under Iranian laws. This not only violates the principle of legality of crimes and punishments and the principles of fair trial in criminal proceedings but also infringes uponContinue reading “Posters That Swallowed the Posts: Is it Legal to Shut Down Instagram Accounts?”

Veiling The Virtual: Interaction of Hijab Bill and Iranian Cyber Sovereignty Policy

For the past eight months, the ultra-conservative Iranian government and parliament have collaborated intensively to craft the “hijab and chastity” bill. In an effort to expedite the process and maintain confidentiality, The parliament decided to hand over its authority for passing the bill to one of its commissions (legal and judicial) rather than addressing itContinue reading “Veiling The Virtual: Interaction of Hijab Bill and Iranian Cyber Sovereignty Policy”